Youth Ministry

Here at Faith, it is important to us that our youth ministry is incorporated into the the greater church body. 

We believe that our youth thrive best when they are enjoying the benefits of being in the church community with families and mentors in the church. This happens through teaching the scriptures, applying God's Word, discipleship, parents mentoring youth, and youth investing in each other. Our youth group includes all Middle and High Schoolers from grades 6-12.  

If you have questions about the youth program at Faith, please reach out to our Youth Director Daniel Kreider.

  • Youth Newsletter

  • Sunday Youth Group

    This is a fun and encouraging time of hanging out, games, teaching, and snacks. Our Youth Director is teaching Rejoicing in God's Good Design by Truth78. It's a biblical study on embracing godly masculinity and femininity.

    Meets 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm every Sunday evening.

  • Wednesday Pizza Night

    Gather for a night focused building community, fellowship and outreach! Invite your friends to enjoy a pizza dinner, games, hanging out, and a lesson at the end of the night. The youth and leaders are sharing testimonies. Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the Youth Room.